Yes I am still here, it’s just that I’ve had a hectic couple of weeks. Dunno why though. Is there something happening I should be aware of?


So anyway, just over a week ago it was my oldest daughter’s 21st birthday (more on that to come), then I went to see Tracy Chapman in concert at the Hammersmith Apollo (she was absolutely fcuking awesome!), then I decided to play around with the blog design ‘cos the orange writing was starting to hurt my eyes and the whole thing was beginning to look too much like a Penguin Classic.

Unfortunately the redesign took much longer than I was expecting (well okay, it took up most of last Saturday afternoon, but that was time I’d put aside for actually writing a post here, not for faffing around with interior design and category clouds {cool though isn’t it!}) because I’m way too fussy about things like that: and just to warn you, I’ll probably end up changing it about 20 more times before I finally settle on one I’m happy with.

And then I had a couple of pieces to write for CiF. One’s already up, and the other one should be going up in the next few days.

On top of all that I’ve had to organise xmas (for my lot, don’t worry, I’m not claiming to be Ms Santa or anything), visit my parents, have a haircut, and sort out an outfit for a family wedding in Manchester next weekend.

And then I read that if a blog isn’t updated within a week it dies. So I thought I’d best update.

I don’t do New Year’s resolutions as a rule, but I’m going to make an exception this time round.

  1. To post at least twice a week on this blog

I may come up with some more: watch this space…..