I know none of this will be news to anyone by now, but I thought I’d just recap on what a truly crappy week this has turned out to be. So here goes.

Earlier this week it was announced that Eaves Housing/the Poppy Project has lost its funding to provide specialist support services to female victims of trafficking, and that the contract has gone instead to the anti-choice, homophobic, religious bigots of the Salvation Army. (More on this to follow).

Official figures have revealed that women are bearing the brunt of the job losses in Britain’s labour market. David Willetts has said he’s buggered if he knows who to blame now.

David Cameron has pulled out his dog whistle and blamed just about everything he can think of on immigration.

And just to top it all off: the Government is thinking about scrapping the Equality Act, probably because the act makes it a bit difficult for them to get away with carrying out policies that impact disproportionately on (or directly discriminate against) women and immigrants.

Thankfully the Government is seeking views on that last one. So I urge you – go to the site and let them know what you think – Red Tape Challenge